iPhone 6 Texas analyzer iPhone 6 Texas analyzer

iPhone 6 Texas Holdem Scanning System

Some of our customers think that the AKK or CVK analyzer phone is not so fashion when they take the analyzers with them.

Now the fashionable analyzer come out with the cover of Iphone 6, the most popular smart phone in the world.

Not metion to the pratical function of being analyzer for Texas games, the phone itself has attracted many people.

As it is iPhone 6 smart phone which notable all over the world. The quality of the iPhone have distanced the device from the poker cheat device, cause this is no one would believe that the iPhone can be a poker scanning analyzer system.

The magician has been training to using the infrared contact lens to read the invisible marks which be write by the juice ink pen marker, this is kind of the way to win the poker game, and you have to remember each cards in each player hands.

What is the best device than the special lens and marked cards?

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