Golden Trophy marked cards Golden Trophy marked cards

Modiano Golden Trophy Marked Cards

Modiano Golden Trophy Cards are mainly used in North America. They are 100% plastic playing cards. Modiano Golden Trophy Marked Cards are available in Poker Size - 2 Deck Set and single deck here in our company. Our Modiano Golden Trophy marked cards for contact lenses are very popular for they are the best marked cards and very useful in Magic Show and poker entertainment. We mark the cards with advanced invisible ink and special machine. People can see nothing different on surface of cards between ours and the common cards. Wearing our contact lenses or infrared sunglasses, you can see the invisible marks pretty clearly.

These are the best way to mark the luminous Golden Trophy cards.

Blue cards: Mark big font in the middle of the playing cards with white ink.

Red cards: Mark big font in the middle or small fonts in 4 corners with dark ink.


Modiano Golden Trophy Playing Cards' Features:

1, 100% Plastic-Jumbo Index or Regular Index-Wide Size.

2, 52 Cards+2 Jokers.

3, Card Size: 8.8*6.3cm (Standard size for playing cards).

4, Color available: red and blue.

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