Radar scanning camera Radar scanning camera

Scanning Camera for Moving Cards

Usually when customers want to buy scanning camera for poker analyzer or scanning system, they need to tell us the exact distance between the marked cards and camera they need. And the marked cards and camera must be kept in the certain places.

And now we get one new kind of scanning camera that can scan the marked cards no matter it’s on the table or in the player’s hand, which is a pretty good advantage for this new product. As long as the cards are in the scope, this camera can scan it and get information of the deck, even if the marked cards are moving. Thus this scanning camera is also called automatic tracking camera.


This scanning camera for moving cards is very secret in the cover of clothes button. All the accessories are hidden inside the clothes and you can see only a normal piece of T-shirt and the normal buttons. It’s easy to control and can help the CPU to report the results very quickly.

Usually the scanning scope for this automatic tracking camera is about 30-50cm.

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